Mission and EPP Goals

Ed Dept logoMission

The mission of the Department of Education is to prepare candidates for a North Carolina Standard Professional I Teaching license with a liberal arts foundation. The Department of Education prepares highly qualified teachers who will contribute to the teaching profession and who will positively impact students in the public school system. Our graduates are teachers who have broad perspectives, who think critically, reflectively and creatively; who are humane and committed to meeting the learning needs of all students; and who guide students using active inquiry to become effective and productive citizens in the 21st century.

Overarching Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) Goals

EPP Operations Goals

  • Meet national standards for the EPP.
  • Ensure the excellence of all licensure programs in the EPP.
  • Respond to the needs of the regional and state-wide teaching community.

EPP Program Goals

  • Meet the state and national standards relevant to the various programs.
  • Meet the EPP Goals for candidates through the various programs.

EPP Candidate Goals

  • Candidates demonstrate knowledge of the depth, breadth, and interdisciplinary connections inherent in the specialty area discipline studied.
  • Candidates apply state and national standards, research-verified best practices, critical thinking, clear and thoughtful communication, creative expression, and honest open inquiry in designing, implementing, differentiation, assessing, and reflecting on effective pedagogy.
  • Candidates demonstrate professional dispositions in varied educational settings with regard to a diversity of students and all members of the school community.