109 Zageir Hall, CPO #1950
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804
Office: 828.251.6420
Email: teach@unca.edu
- Chair of Education, Director of Africana Studies, Professor of Africana Studies & Education, and Coordinator of K-12 Special Education: General Curriculum Licensure
- truffin@unca.edu
- 250-2361
- 109 Zageir Hall
- Assistant Professor of Education; Coordinator of 6-9 Language Arts and 9-12 English Licensure
- Associate Professor of Education and Coordinator of K-6 Elementary
- kbrown@unca.edu
- 258-7730
- 114 Zageir Hall
- Lecturer in Education; Coordinator of 6-12 Social Studies Licensure
- rchapman@unca.edu
- 251-6768
- 119 Zageir Hall
- Administrative Assistant, Department of Education & Great Smokies Writing Program
- ldanzis@unca.edu
- 251-6420
- 115 Zageir Hall
- Chair & Associate Professor of Drama; Coordinator of K-12 Theatre Arts Licensure, LA 478 Coordinator
- lkloeppe@unca.edu
- 251-6940
- 112 Whitesides Hall
- Educational Innovation and Engagement Coordinator
- knavaegg@unca.edu
- 350-4583
- 123 Zageir Hall
- Lecturer of Mathematics; CTL Faculty Fellow 2023-25
- jwebste2@unca.edu
- 232-5188
- 320 Rhoades/Robinson Hall