What is edTPA?
edTPA is a preservice assessment process designed by educators, developed by the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE), and accessible via Pearson. It is required for teacher licensure recommendation as well as completing Professional Year and to support accreditation at UNC Asheville as of Fall 2019. As stated by edTPA.org, “It goes beyond classroom credits to ask teacher candidates to demonstrate what they can and will do on the job, translating into practice what research shows improves learning.” Note: For access to most of the resources below, you must be logged in to your edTPA.org account.
General Information
All candidates are required to complete the edTPA portfolio as part of the Clinical Practice semester. The cost for completing the initial edTPA portfolio submission is $300, and at this time, UNC Asheville pays this fee. Licensure candidates are responsible for paying the fee of $100 per task if a retake is necessary.
Scoring and Retakes
- North Carolina edTPA Score Requirements
- edTPA Score Report Contextual Information
- To retrieve your score report, go to this page and click on the “View Your edTPA Scores” button.
- edTPA Retake Instructions for Candidates
- edTPA Retake Fee Information
Student Resources
Compressing Video + Permissions
- Feb 2025 edTPA video compression guide (Clipchamp for Windows and iMovie for iOS)
- Video Permission Letter in English
- Video Permission Letter in Spanish
- FAQs on Pearson ePortfolio
Preparing for edTPA
- UNCA edTPA resources
- Candidate Support Webinars
- Backwards Map to Create edTPA Timeline
- Thinking Organizers: Tools to Organize and Record Thinking During edTPA Experiences
- Making Good Choices: A Support Guide for edTPA Candidates
- Understanding Rubric Level Progressions
- Mama Yates YouTube Video resource
Faculty Resources
Supporting Students
- edTPA Handbooks
- edTPA Guidelines for Acceptable Candidate Support
- edTPA 101 and Task Deep Dives
- Strategies to Support Candidates as they are Completing edTPA
- Guidelines for edTPA Retake Decision Making and Support for Programs and Faculty