Steps to Teacher Licensure

Steps to Teacher Licensure (Post-Bac and Transfers)

The UNC Asheville Teacher Licensure Program, approved by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (DPI), requires completion of a disciplinary major and professional education courses necessary to qualify for North Carolina Standard Professional I Teaching Licensure in areas described after the following general information.

Enroll at UNC Asheville

The first step to completing your teaching license is to become a UNC Asheville student. Contact our Office of Admissions, and be sure to let them know if you’re a transfer student, or if you already have a degree (post-baccalaureate).

Teacher Education Informal Admission

The first courses that are prerequisite to other education courses are EDUC 210 and EDUC 211. A satisfactory background check is required throughout the program. Your EDUC 210 instructor will provide information regarding informal admission. Upon informal admission, you will be assigned an advisor in the Department of Education.

Teacher Education Formal Admission

All licensure candidates must be formally admitted to the Department of Education. To be formally admitted, you will meet with your advisor to complete a contract that outlines which requirements you have already met and which ones you still need to meet before you can be recommended for a teaching license. Your contract for formal admission is forwarded to the Assessment Committee, and the committee reviews your grades, dispositions reports, and field experience evaluations in order to make the final decision regarding your formal admission.

For formal admission, candidates must have:

  • at least 30 semester hours (2nd semester sophomore standing);
  • a 2.7 cumulative grade-point average on all UNC Asheville course work;
  • a 2.5 cumulative grade-point average on all academic major course work;
  • a grade of C or higher in EDUC 210 and a grade of Satisfactory in EDUC 211;
  • acceptable scores as established by the N.C. Department of Public Instruction on the SAT or ACT, or the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test.
  • a satisfactory evaluation on the abilities/characteristics listed on the Education Dispositions Assessment administered in EDUC 210 and other relevant courses;
  • continued self-reporting any new criminal charges and/or convictions occurring between the background check in EDUC 210 and completion of the licensure program
  • a satisfactory evaluation of performance in all field experiences.

Continuing Requirements

Once formally admitted to the teacher education program, candidates for licensure must demonstrate at least satisfactory achievement in the areas of content knowledge, pedagogy, and professionalism. Candidates must have:

  • a grade of C or higher in all education courses;
  • a satisfactory evaluation of performance in all field experiences;
  • a satisfactory evaluation on the abilities/characteristics listed on the Dispositions Checklist in relevant courses; and
  • continued self-reporting any new criminal charges and/or convictions occurring between the background check in EDUC 210 and completion of the licensure program;

Clinical Practice Internship (Student Teaching)

To be admitted to student teaching, candidates must have fulfilled all continuing requirements. In addition, candidates must have:

  • a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher for all courses taken at UNC Asheville;
  • complete the content standards requirements for their licensure area in an approved discipline with a GPA of 2.5 or higher;
  • a satisfactory evaluation on the abilities/characteristics listed on the Education Dispositions Assessment prior to the professional year; and
  • a satisfactory evaluation on the unit plan and the field experience in the capstone methods course.

UNC Asheville students seeking licensure should consult the Department of Education Policies and Procedures Manual for more specific information related to obtaining North Carolina Standard Professional I Teaching License through UNC Asheville and should meet with an education advisor to develop an individual licensure plan.

Recommendation for North Carolina Standard Professional I Teaching Licensure

To receive this recommendation, candidates for licensure must have completed all requirements for admission to student teaching. In addition, candidates must:

  • complete the student teaching experience as indicated through the Exit Criteria form with at least an “At Standard” rating on the criteria for content knowledge, pedagogy, and professionalism and on overall performance,
  • successful completion of all required courses; 
  • attain passing score on edTPA as indicated by the North Carolina Department of Instruction; and
  • attain passing scores on Praxis II: Specialty Area Tests as indicated by the North Carolina Department of Instruction.

First Areas of Licensure

The Education Department is accredited to recommend candidates for licensure in:

  • Elementary Education (K–6);
  • Middle School (6–9): Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies;
  • Secondary Education (9–12): Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Studies, English, Mathematics, Physics, Social Studies; and
  • Kindergarten–12 (K–12): Art, Special Education: General Curriculum

Areas of Major

Students receiving K-12 or 9-12 licensure must complete a specific disciplinary major, which is the core for their licensure area. Middle school licensure candidates (6–9) may major in psychology or a specific disciplinary major appropriate to language arts, mathematics, science or social studies. Those desiring to teach at the K–6 level or Special Education: General Curriculum may major in any department.

Licensure for Post-Baccalaureate Candidates

Post-baccalaureate candidates must meet the same or equivalent course requirements as other UNC Asheville candidates seeking licensure in the same area.

Required Document Completion

All students must complete:

  • a Request for Advisor in the Education Department;
  • a Request for Formal Admission to the licensure program with the appropriate advisor, and a formal contract for licensure after successful completion of  EDUC 210 and EDUC 211, and satisfactory performance on SAT, ACT, or Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test;
  • a placement request for the Professional Year;
  • an Application to Student Teach, submitted to the Coordinator of Field Placements no later than the third week of the semester prior to student teaching; and
  • the final evaluation Exit Criteria form upon completion of student teaching. In addition, the student must insure that all appropriate request-for-licensure forms are submitted to the department chair upon completion of student teaching. (See advisor for details).