Who We Are

Through the UNC Asheville teacher licensure program, you will have the opportunity to pursue the subject you love while attaining a license to teach it! In four years, you can graduate with both a bachelor’s degree in a specific subject and a teaching license, making you marketable in two areas.

What You’ll Learn

With a liberal arts foundation, UNC Asheville graduates are teachers who have broad perspective; who think critically, reflectively and creatively; who are humane and committed to meeting the learning needs of all students; and who guide students using active inquiry to become effective and productive citizens in the 21st century.

The department also offers post-baccalaureate opportunities for individuals who already hold a bachelor's degree or higher and desire an initial North Carolina Standard Professional I Teaching License.

two students in class

Teacher Licensure Interest Form

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Complete the Form

Students at Fall 2023 Future Teachers Conference at UNCA

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Making an Impact

Meet three educators who’ve found success through UNC Asheville’s Education program. (AVLToday)

Read the Story